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Bad Guys of The Bible by Dennis Gaunt (Audiobook)

These bad guys are smart. You can be smarter.

An Unseen Angel: A Mother's Story of Faith, Hope, and Healing After Sandy Hook, Parker (Audio Book CD)

When Alissa Parker lost her daughter Emilie in the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting, she started a life-changing journey to answer soul-searching questions about faith, hope, and healing. As she sought for the peace and comfort that could help mend her

Amazed by Grace, Sheri Dew (Audio Book CD)

What is grace? What difference can grace make in our lives? How does the Savior make His power available to us? And what must we do to gain access to that power?

A Case for the Book of Mormon (Audio Book CD)

Before The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was officially organized, its keystone was in place. That keystone, the Book of Mormon, has been shared, studied, respected, and embraced by millions of people the world over.

60 Minutes to a Great Mission, Ed J. Pinegar

Ed J. Pinegar has spent much of his life involved in some aspect of missionary work.

5 Temptation Killers, Hank Smith—A funny, yet effective talk that will help youth to use their agency wisely (Audio Book)

Freedom to choose is an essential part of our Heavenly Father’s plan. Quoting from Dumbledore, Hank Smith reminds us that “it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
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