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A selection of books to inspire & uplift

"Heartfelt Ministering: Tools to Help You Minister in a Newer, Holier Way" by Lynnae Allred

The book "Heartfelt Ministering" is to help make each reader's ministering efforts intentional

1,001 Facts about the Prophet Joseph Smith Alexa Erekson

Discover the details of Joseph Smith’s life as you never have before! This comprehensive, easy-to-read history shares little-known facts that will let you see the Prophet Joseph in a whole new light!

100 Easy Talk Thoughts for LDS Youth. Vol.1

Whether you need to give a talk or you just need to know the answer to a gospel question, this book is a priceless help.

100 Easy Talk Thoughts for LDS Youth. Vol.2

Whether you need to give a talk or you just need to know the answer to a gospel question, this book is a priceless help.

100 Favorite Verses for Missionaries, Shauna Humphreys (paperback)

In this compact volume, author Shauna Humphreys provides a feast of scriptural food, presenting 100 of the finest offerings, along with profound insights and thoughtful commentary specifically selected for those who spread the good news of the gospel.

100 Favorite Verses from the Doctrine and Covenants, Shauna Humphreys

100 Favorite Verses from the Doctrine and Covenants is filled with thoughtful insights and an in-depth exploration of some of the most poignant passages for our day. Author Shauna Humphreys reminds us that God still speaks today and if we listen, He will

100 Favorite verses from the Old Testament

Studying, and truly understanding, the Old Testament can feel like an insurmountable task.
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100 Favorite Verses to Bring You Closer to Christ, Shauna Humphreys—A collection of inspiring daily devotionals

Come closer to Christ with this sampling of verses drawn from the holy scriptures that will guide you toward a warm and personal relationship with our Savior, whose greatest desire is that we will come unto Him.

52 Life Changing Questions from the Book of Mormon, Hilton

Has a question ever changed your life? "A good question ... is like an alarm clock," wrote Elder Tad R. Callister. "It awakens us out of our mental doldrums [and] jump-starts our mental engines."

7 Day Christian, The: How Living Your Beliefs Every Day Can Change the World, Wilcox

More than ever before, we need believing and behaving disciples — men and women who are ready to stand up and stand together to change the world as early Christians did: one righteous choice at a time.

75 Questions and Answers about Preparing for the Temple

How can I prepare to receive my endowment? What covenants will I make in the temple? How will I know if I’m ready? Temple scholar Alonzo Gaskill answers these questions and more in this long-awaited book.

A Mother’s Greatest Gift. Heidi Poelman

You don't need to be an expert to be a good mom; you just need the Lord's help. Learn how to seek out the best parenting Guide—the Holy Ghost—in this insightful and inspiring book. With personal stories, research, and interviews, this is every mother's mu

A Perfect Brightness of Hope

In this volume, A Perfect Brightness of Hope, author Davis S. Baxter brings light to those of us who feel beyond help and hope, reminding us that we are not alone, however alone we may feel. He testifies powerfully of the need each of us has to draw hope

A Refuge from the Storm. Boyd K. Packer

This apostolic counsel will help you build an unshakable foundation for eternity by strengthening your understanding of core doctrine regarding the priesthood, the family, and the Church.

A Return to Virtue by Elaine S. Dalton

she has taken her experiences and insights related to running and woven them into an analogy for an attribute and value she feels passionate about: virtue.

A Sisterhood of Strength: True Stories of Miraculous Service

Experience for yourself the pure love that inspires ordinary women to serve and accept service in a truly extraordinary manner.

A Walk in My Shoes: Questions I'm Often Asked as a Gay Latter-day Saint by Ben Schilaty

President M. Russell Ballard counselled, “We need to listen to and understand what our LGBT brothers and sisters are feeling and experiencing. Certainly, we must do better than we have done in the past so that all members feel they have a spiritual home w

A Weekly Letter to Your Missionary: Messages to Inspire and Strengthen Elders and Sisters

"Every missionary loves getting mail! Brother Erickson's Motivating Messages will help missionaries let go of the world, dig a deep foundation, and become "corner-carriers" who bring others to Christ.

Abinadi: "He Came among Them in Disguise", Hopkin

Under the guidance of some of the best thinkers on the Book of Mormon, the Abinadi narrative springs to life as each chapter approaches Abinadi's story and words from a different perspective.

Accomplishing the Impossible What God Does, What We Can Do by Russell M. Nelson

Many important things need to be done to prepare the earth for the Saviour's Second Coming.

Aligned with Christ How Do You Know When You're Doing What the Savior Wants You To Do? by Toni Sorenson

Is there a sure way to know what you're doing is what the Savior would have you do? Best-selling author Toni Sorenson's inspiring series, including Defined by Christ and Refined by Christ, has motivated audiences to assess and strengthen their personal re

Always Remember Him, Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, And The Eternal Life of Man

He is our Creator and Redeemer, our Savior, teacher, and friend. Our whole mission in this life is to become like Him and His Father, but beyond His majesty and power, Christ was also a man.
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